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Beaverton Schools

State Testing Information

Dates: Week of April 4th

Students will test with content teachers:

  • Math in math classes
  • Science in science classes (8th grade only)
  • Reading in social studies classes
  • Writing in language arts classes

We will alter the schedule for the week of testing to allow for longer class periods for students to complete their testing.



Oregon Statewide Assessment Systems

In 2010 Oregon adopted tougher national standards called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to raise the bar for our students.  With the Common Core State Standards, Oregon students are now gaining important critical-thinking, problem solving, and effective communication skills.

To accurately measure our students' learning as well as help our educators pinpoint areas in need of improvement, Oregon has implemented new tests aligned to our standards, called Oregon Statewide Assessment Systems (OSAS).  These tests provide an academic check-up and are designed to help teachers and parents know whether students are on track to be college and career-ready by the time they graduate.