Stoller Counseling Department Mission Statement
Stoller’s Counseling Department is committed to working with all students and families by educating, supporting, and advocating for every student’s academic, college and career, and social/emotional development, through support and community engagement. We are also committed to establishing a solid foundation as Stoller students successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, and productive citizens who respect themselves and others.
The Stoller Middle School counseling program is based on the national counseling model developed by the American School Counseling Association. Counselors will focus on helping students gain tools to be successful in the following three areas: academics, personal/social, and college/career readiness.
Counselors provide limited one-on-one counseling, assist with solving problems around class situations, relationships with classmates, or any other issues or concerns that may affect a student’s ability to do well in school. Counselors also conduct large group lessons which address the common developmental needs of all students, as well as provide small groups for students with similar academic, personal, or social issues. In addition, counselors are available as resources for parents who have concerns. Students can request an appointment with their counselor using their Chromebooks.
6th Grade Counselor
Paul Laue
7th Grade Counselor
Daisy Vang
8th Grade Counselor
Sarah Martin