Supplies for School:
- Backpack (without wheels)
- Ruler with standard and metric measurements
- (1) College ruled composition notebook
- (1) Notebook with graphing paper
- (3) College ruled spiral notebooks
- Binder/section dividers
- Pencil pouch with
- Colored pencils
- 3" Eraser
- Handheld pencil sharpener
- Highlighters (minimum of two - different colors)
- Pencils (will need to replenish as your student needs throughout the year)
- Pens (black or blue and one other color)
- Scientific calculator (8th grade only)
- Small sticky notes
- Wired headphones (wireless headphones of all brands are NOT permitted)
- Student Photo ID for library book check out & later arrival sign in. These are received after students take their photo.
Community Supplies to be left in the WIN classroom:
- (1) Hand sanitizer
- (1) Box of tissues
- (1) Package of Clorox/disinfectant wipes
- (1) Ream of white copy paper
- Extra pencils & pens
- Glue sticks
Helpful supplies for use at home:
- 3x5 Index cards
- Glue sticks
- Pencils & pens
- Scissors
- Scotch tape
- Label all supplies, backpack and jackets with student's first and last name.
- A reusable water bottle is strongly recommended.
- Students will have time in classes to organize and maintain binders and Google drives.
- Supplies for specific classes and projects to be determined and communicated by teachers.